Julie and her sister decide to give their mother a vacation. They take
her on a weekend cruise to Nassau aboard the S.S. Dolphin IV. They are
on an innocent vacation and have no idea what is about to happen to them.
They are seated on deck when from across the deck they faintly hear the
strains of a Buffett tune.
Jeff is travelling with a phlock of parrots from
AOL. Although most of the parrots had
never met, they spent an exciting week together in
Key West with some
members of the phlock even making their way into the
Miami Herald.
Also in Key West, a group known only as the family formed within
the phlock. The family almost missed the ship for their weekend cruise
to Nassau aboard the S.S. Dolphin IV. The phlock is roosted on deck
singing along to Buffett CDs when from across they deck they hear: Is
that Jimmy Buffett? Turn it up...
The parrots respond with two apparently unrelated questions -- Are you a ParrotHead? -- Are you on AOL? After explaining how the questions are related, the parrots welcome Julie and her family into the phlock. Eventually, Jeff makes his way over to Julie's table in the roost and Julie and Jeff start talking.
Julie has to leave with her family for a while. On the way back, Julie tells her sister that she is going back to talk to the man she's going to marry.
Julie and Jeff talk on deck for several more hours and then make their
way to the forward deck where they lie back in each others arms and
watch the stars and meteors.
Jeff is roosting with the phlock when he sees Julie and her family across the deck and joins them. At this point, they both know that it is meant to be...